If you are a wine lover and have already participated in a wine tasting, or even visited a wine fair, you have certainly seen someone spitting wine from the mouth.

Actually, it is not very elegant (some may even find it disgusting) but the truth is it makes sense.

Why is it a common practice in wine tastings?

This is basically due to the fact that wine has alcoholic content.

In a context in which a person can taste ten, twenty, or even more wines in an event like this, drinking all of them could cause some “embarrassing” situations. Even if they were small sips for each wine and it wouldn’t make you drunk, your concentration and senses would be affected for sure, specially your smell and taste.

Is it possible to analyze a wine without actually drink it?

In fact, not to ingest the wine does not undermine the analysis’ quality, since none of the sensations needed to analyze a wine correctly happen after your drink it.

A sensorial analysis is made through vision, smell and taste. Given this, the key moments during a wine tasting take place from the moment wine is served in a glass through the moment we actually feel it on the mouth, not in our throat or stomach.
