There are several versions about the origin of the expression “happy hour” which in Portuguese means “hora feliz”. According to some historians, Shakespeare used this expression in one of his plays.
Its popular use was used to define the moments when sailors enjoyed their leisure time on the high seas, fought boxing, wrestling and, of course, drank, so they called this relaxed moment “happy hour”.
Others consider that the true origin is related to the period of the Dry Law, in which the sale of alcoholic beverages was expressly prohibited. Some of the clandestine bars introduced the offer of the second drink and thus, it was usual for people to gather to drink before going to a restaurant or a party. This informal meeting of friends also further popularized the expression “happy hour.
Over the years, this practice was spread all over the world and ended up becoming a marketing strategy. Today, it is not difficult to find an establishment with “happy hour”, which offers promotional prices at the end of the working day, being common, the conviviality and a glass of wine among work colleagues or friends with the aim of relieving stress and creating good affinity ties.
Sometimes in our moments of introspection, at the end of a strenuous day, nothing better than opening a good wine, a comfortable sofa, a Tv series, a book, or even a good record are the best company.
Despite the various wine labels available, it is possible to enjoy high quality wines at a very attractive value for money. get to know my suggestion of wines that are easy to drink, fresh and intense for your own happy hour.
White wines:
Red Wines: