During the 1600’s, the expression “Put toast in’t”, used by Shakespeare character Falstaff, became very famous. With it, the expression “toast” was born.

And the sound, where does it come from?

We have already talked about the origin of the toast. This distinct sound we hear when we toast comes from the substitution of ceramic and metal cups for glass. Some were so elaborated that its sound had a special musical note. Some european people used to believe this sound would prevent bad spirits to come, and also symbolized the churches’ bells.

When we toast…

  • We should not toast to our own
  • When someone is toasting to us, we should listen in silence
  • Do not touch the other’s people glass or to drink during the toast
  • A toast should be short enough to make the tribute and to announce the fun
  • Acknowledge right after the toast or with the dessert, when toasted by the host
  • We may toast with a non-alcoholic drink; intention is all that matters
  • We should not anticipate ourselves – the host should be the first to make a toast

Free tip:

Instead of shaking the “glasses’ bowl”, the more fragile part, use the rim. You will hear a surprising sound.

And, as Portuguese wine comes from Vinha,

Saúde – in Portuguese

Pros – in German

Salud – in Spanish




column by joão guedes
